Wednesday, October 3, 2012

A busy week, some stories and some sunsets

So I've finally broken with the tradition of posting once a week, term paper/midterm paper/midterm season is upon us finally, and naturally this means intermittent posting. However, there's still plenty of interesting stuff going on out here and lots of great photos to be taken!

First, a neat little thing I saw when walking to class: a Boston Red Sox sticker! Apparently there may be more New Englanders out here than I thought.

However, my apartmentmates (save one who actually is from Boston) are not them. You may remember from an earlier post about how they introduced me to New Mexican food the night of the Red Rally and the Burning of the Aggie. Well, we found a place, Talin Market, over on Louisiana and Central, that carries things like live Maine lobsters, cherrystones, littlenecks and flounder, alongside fresh mozzarella, parmegiano reggiano, capers, fresh basil leaves, garlic, and gluten free pasta! I haven't quite decided the menu yet, but within the next week or so we're planning to have a New England dinner, divided into Yankee style (seafood, potato, chowder, apple or pumpkin or rhubarb pie, etc) and Italian style (pesto, mozzarella and prosciutto, a good antipasto, almond cookies, etc). Or maybe we'll do two separate ones. We still have to figure the specifics out. In fact, we might make it into an event for the building. Not sure yet. Regardless it's going to be very fun, and everyone in the apartment is excited about it. Also, I get to take the lead role on food this time because no one else knows how to make any of this stuff. I will keep you updated and post all about it when we do it!

Besides that, things have been flying by, with all the assignments there are to get done. Still, I found time to pop outside for a bit and catch some sunsetted skies from both the west and east:


A little light on the content this week, but I can guarantee that my next post next weekend will be much better: the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta kicks off this Saturday and goes through next weekend (and UNM's fall break is during the Fiesta, giving me even more time to enjoy and explore it), so my next post will be full of balloon photos and fiesta stories! Stay tuned!

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