Sunday, September 2, 2012

UNM: Since everyone's curious to see what it looks like

I figured the next logical step would be, since I just walked everyone through the trip out to ABQ, to show you around campus. Just a quick note, it's usually much busier than this, but I took these photos this morning, and normal people are sleeping that early (i.e. before noon) on a Sunday!

First, let's start things off with a photo of a prickly pear cactus outside my apartment (sadly no prickly pears in sight, I'll have to find out the season for those things). Everyone loves cacti!

My apartment complex is a rather labyrinth-like cluster of buildings, I suppose emulating the canyons of the Southwest? Also, you will see in this picture the first of many non-descript beige boxes. To be fair, it is the Pueblo revival style around here, but I do miss capes and colonials, and UConn's copper, brick and glass everywhere.

Landscaping is very different out here too, there's not really any grass anywhere. Most of the time, they lay down some crushed red stone, throw in some scrub, and maybe a few trees. Very different to get used to, but not necessarily bad.

Since there's only one dining hall on campus (La Posada, photos to come!), copies of the Daily Lobo are distributed all over campus in easy to find boxes like this one. And it actually works since it doesn't really rain here at all!

Two quick shots of Dane Smith, where I have two of my classes (UNM's CLAS building more or less). The first one is a view of the building through some kind of cinder block-ish rock garden sculpture thing (there's a lot of weird/abstract art on campus, that's a whole other post!). One side of the building is even-numbered rooms, and the other side is odd-numbered rooms. Another thing that's different to get used to!

Right in the center of the academic buildings is the Duck Pond, which I was surprised a) has large amounts of water and green for ABQ and b) actually has lots of real ducks, as you can see in the second photo.

These next two are Mitchell Hall and Ortega Hall. Non-descript photos for non-descript classroom buildings. They're kind of like the UNM equivalents of Arjona and Monteith, though Mitchell is a bit nicer. Also, Ortega is designed so all the classrooms are accessed from the outside of the building, there is no lobby to enter into the building first and then go up stairs like we're used to in New England. That made the first day of classes very interesting!

Now, heading back to my apartment, is the center of campus. First up is the Humanities Building, home of the Linguistics Department up on the fifth floor. It's situated on the south side of the giant plaza, in the middle photo. On the north side is the Zimmerman Library, and on the east side, in the last photo, is the Sub (Student Union Building). Not the U, I've been trying to kick that old UConn habit!

There's a nice outdoor area next to the Sub with lots of trees (and the all-important shade), and in the second shot you can see that the mountains are ever-present when you look to the north/east.

Below is the Popejoy Center for the Performing Arts, their Jorgensen. They seem to have a lot of good shows lined up, some that have and haven't been to UConn before (including the Capitol Steps, right before my birthday/Election Day), so I'll have to pick up some tickets soon!

Just happened to see this bird (a raptor of some type) while walking around. It's the first bird I've seen besides house sparrows and hummingbirds (which are all over the place), and the most interesting thing I've seen since I first saw all the little lizards around campus.

Moving down Central Avenue (part of the old Route 66) towards the west, we come to the school of Communications and Journalism. But more importantly, across from that is the Daily Lobo building!

Heading back east along Central, here's the UNM bookstore. The picture doesn't really do it justice, it's a lot bigger than the UConn Co-op, and has much more LoboWear than I ever saw HuskyWear for sale. Plus on "Game Day Fridays" we get 25% off of all LoboWear. I'll have to check that out, especially with the famous annual Red Rally coming up (a giant spirit/pep thing kicking off the sports season rivalry with New Mexico State University and their Aggies).

And of course, a shot of their famous Lobo statue! Not quite sure if he's got a name like Jonathan, but I'm pretty sure they don't have one walking around on a leash that they bring to football and basketball games.

And finally, some shots of Johnson Field, with the Redondo Village Apartments in the midground, with the Sandia Mountains overlooking the whole campus. So far I haven't gotten tired of the sight, and everyone tells me that if you're from "back east", you probably never will.

Hope you enjoyed this brief but photo-tastic tour of UNM's Central Campus! Stay tuned for the next update, with lots more UNM/ABQ photos, as I continue to show you around out here!

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